2015-2016 Ocean Freight in Review
2015-2016 Ocean Freight in Review
With the close of the 2015-2016 shipping season rapidly approaching, it’s time to review the winners and losers of the season in regards to TB Eastbound ocean shipping:
The Winners
Importers that played the market came out as the big winners during this past year’s contractual season. West Coast, East Coast, and IPI rates have consistently averaged $700-$1000 below the fixed rates signed back in May of 2015. If you did not sign a fixed contract this year, you undoubtedly saved yourself thousands of dollars in a weak market. Great job!
The Losers
Importers that signed fixed rate contracts. With market rates plummeting below fixed rates as early as June of 2015 due to a very soft market, importers that signed fixed rate deals were dealt a rotten hand. While MQCs were being met at the higher fixed rates, market rate savings could not be enjoyed as liberally as one would like.
What are your plans for the 2016-2017 shipping season?
Scarbrough is working around the clock with multiple carriers and overseas counterparts to formulate the best options for you. Let us help you build a comprehensive shipping plan this year to maximize your savings. Scarbrough wants to make sure you end up in the winner’s circle this coming year.
For more information contact Chris Hapka at chapka@scarbrough-intl.com or call directly at 816-584-2455.
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