ACE Exporter Accounts and ACE Trade Export Reports

June 30 2015

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Beginning June 27th the ACE Secure Data Portal will support a new account type, “exporter”, for trade users. Establishing an exporter account will facilitate access to ACE Trade Export Reports that include export commodity data (current year and five years of historical data). An exporter account will be required to access the ACE AESDirect filing portal once it is available later this year. To establish an exporter account, see the instructions below:
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Current ACE Portal Account Users

The Trade Account Owner (TAO), the highest level of access within your company’s ACE Portal account, can create the ACE Exporter Business Partner (BP) Account, including any EINs that are appropriate for exports.

  • For existing  (EINs), i.e., those currently matching Importer of Record (IR) numbers in the Company’s Importer Account:
  • To create the ACE Exporter Account, the TAOs must navigate to the Accounts tab, then in the Task Selector portlet select Account Type View drop down box and select “Exporter”, click “GO” and then select the “Create Exporter” link from the Select Task
  • On the right side, an Exporter portlet displays and users will be prompted to provide their corporate information and complete details.
  • After saving the exporter’s corporate information and refreshing the list for Accounts, the newly added EIN will display in the Account Selector List
  • Select the EIN hyperlink to view the details for the Exporter Account.
  • All EINs that have been established in the Exporter Account that match corresponding IR numbers in the Importer Account will automatically be authorized for inclusion in ACE Trade Export Reports.


  • For new EINs (not matching IR numbers in the Importer Account):
    • To create the Exporter Account, the TAOs must navigate to the Accounts tab, then in the Task Selector portlet select Account Type View drop down box and select “Exporter”, click “GO” and then select the “Create Exporter” link from the Select Task
    • On the right side, an Exporter portlet displays and users will be prompted to provide their corporate information and complete details.
    • After saving the exporter’s corporate information and refreshing the list for Accounts, the newly added EIN will display in the Account Selector List
    • Select the EIN hyperlink to view the details for the Exporter Account.
  • From the Exporter view, the TAO will need to select the “Request EIN Reports Authorization” button in the Exporter account portlet.
    • Please note: “Authorization for Reports” status is initially set to Not Authorized and will change to Pending upon selecting the “Request EIN Reports Authorization” button. The exporter must comply with the Census request to provide additional account information before Census will approve the exporter’s EIN for inclusion in ACE Trade Export Reports.
  • Once approved by Census, “Authorization for Reports” changes to Authorized for the specified EIN.
  • Note:  The Authorization for Reports steps must be completed for each EIN in order for the data for that EIN to appear in the ACE Trade Export Reports.
  • To run ACE Trade Export Reports, users will select “Reports” from the Exporter view’s Task Selector portlet, and select the “Launch Tool” button in the Launch Reports and Quickview Tool portlet


New ACE Portal Account Users:

  • To establish an Exporter Account in the ACE Portal, please visit and complete the Exporter Account web form application to establish your Exporter Account. The person identified in the ACE Account Owner section of the application form will be designated as the Trade Account Owner (TAO) for the Exporter ACE Portal account.
  • Once the Exporter ACE Portal account is established, the TAO will receive an ACE  email notification with instructions on retrieving their password in order to login to the ACE Portal and access their account. The Account ID will be identified as well.
  • Please note: The system will subsequently prompt you for a shared secret value when obtaining your temporary password. The shared secret value is the same as your Account ID and also becomes your User ID for logging in to the ACE portal.
  • To request approval for the inclusion of the EIN in ACE Trade Export Reports, select the EIN hyperlink to view your Exporter Account details.
  • Then select the “Request EIN Reports Authorization” button in the Exporter account portlet.
  • “Authorization for Reports” status is initially set to Not Authorized and will change to Pending upon selecting the “Request EIN Reports Authorization” button.  The exporter must comply with the Census request to provide additional account information before Census will approve the exporter’s EIN for inclusion in ACE Trade Export Reports.
  • Census’ vetting process will begin once all steps have been completed.  The requests will be handled in the order in which they are received.
  • Once approved by Census, “Authorization for Reports” changes to Authorized for the specified EIN.
  • Please note:  These Authorization for Reports steps must be completed for each EIN in order for the data for a given EIN to appear in the ACE Trade Export Reports.


To run ACE Trade Export Reports, users will select “Reports” from the Exporter view’s Task Selector portlet, and select the “Launch Tool” button in the Launch Reports and Quickview Tool portlet.

The following training materials for the trade for these capabilities will be posted to prior to the June 27th deployment and communicated via the Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS):

  • An updated ACE Reports for Trade user guide, to include ACE Trade Export Reports
  • A quick reference guide on applying for an ACE Exporter Account
  • A series of videos on ACE Exporter Account set-up

For further information:

  • For technical questions related to the application for an ACE Exporter Account or ACE Trade Export Reports access, please contact the CBP ACE Account Service Desk by calling 1-866-530-4172, selecting option 1, then option 2, or email
  • For general questions on ACE Trade Export Reports, please contact:

Census at 800-549-0595, Option 5.