Notice Regarding ACE – Postponement of the January 14 deployment

This notice is with regard to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Automated Commercial Environment (ACE).


The January 14, 2017, deployment of post release capabilities including  liquidation (with the exception of the electronic posting of the Notices of Liquidation on, drawback, reconciliation, duty deferral, collections, statements and the Automated Surety Interface will be postponed.
However, pursuant to the Final Rule published on December 12, 2016, CBP will post the Notices of Liquidation on effective January 14, 2017, as planned.

In consideration of stakeholder feedback and the complexity of the ongoing integration testing, CBP is providing additional time to prepare for the final core ACE deployment and ensure a smooth transition of liquidation, drawback, reconciliation, duty deferral, collections, statements and Automated Surety Interface capabilities in ACE.

CBP will provide updated information and a new deployment date in the near future.