ACE Updates
New ACE Accounts Created to Allow Electronic Protests
Excerpt from Sandler, Travis and Rosenberg Trade Report
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is modifying its test of Automated Commercial Environment portal accounts to establish the ACE protest filer account. After CBP deploys the ACE Protest Module, which is currently scheduled for Aug. 29, participants with an ACE protest filer account will be able to file electronic protests in ACE.
Pursuant to 19 USC 1514, certain parties may file a protest to challenge a CBP decision regarding classification, appraisement, rate and amount of duties chargeable, certain charges and exactions, the exclusion of merchandise, the liquidation of an entry, and the refusal to pay a claim for drawback within 180 days of the date of liquidation. Parties authorized to file a protest include importers or consignees for an entry or their sureties; persons paying any charge or exaction; persons seeking entry or delivery; persons filing a claim for drawback; exporters or producers of the goods subject to a determination of origin under section 202 of the NAFTA Implementation Act, if the exporter or producer completed and signed a NAFTA certificate of origin covering the goods; or the authorized agent of any of these persons.
Parties that have an existing ACE portal account may request a protest filer account through their established ACE portal account. Parties who do not have an ACE portal account may apply for a protest filer account according to the instructions set forth here.
CBP requests comments and feedback on all aspects of this test to determine whether to modify, alter, expand, limit, continue, end or fully implement it.
ST&R will be conducting a webinar Sept. 1 on filing protests via ACE. Click here for more information or to register.
Some ACE users receiving proxy error at login
Steps to resolve below:
If you receive this error, you will need to clear your cache and cookies. To do that, please execute the following steps to clear the issue:
How to delete Cache and Cookies: To clear Cache
- 1. Left click on the start globe
- 2. Left click on control panel
- 3. Left click on Internet Options.
- 4. Click on Settings.
- 5. Click on View Files
- 6. Highlight all files.
- 7. Press Delete and select YES.
To clear Java Errors
- 8. Left click on the start globe
- 9. Left click on control panel
- 10. Left click on Java, the Java Control panel will open.
- 11. On the General Tab, Left click on Settings, this will open the Temporary Files Settings
- 12. Left click on Delete Files, this will open the Delete Files and Applications panel, the Trace and Log Files and the Cached Applications and Applets should both be checked. The Installed Applications and Applets should be blank.
- 13. Left click on OK, then on OK, then on OK.
Close the Control Panel and restart your browser and try your applications. After taking the steps above, please restart your workstation and retry log-in. [Source: CBP]