CBP Clarifies ACE Policy on Firearms Import Application
CBP Clarifies ACE Policy on Firearms Import Application
Excerpt from: Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade | May 11, 2016
U.S. Customs and Border Protection has clarified a previous message concerning the submission of ATF Form 6, Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War, through the Document Image System until use of the Automated Commercial Environment participating government agency message set becomes mandatory for the submission of data to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The previous message stated that PGA forms that require approval and/or signature by the PGA (which include ATF Form 6) must obtain it prior to the form being submitted in DIS.
CBP is now clarifying that the presence of an approved ATF Form 6 accompanied with the ATF Form 6A DIS submission represents approval of importation. There is no expectation that filers should receive a signature from CBP or ATF for Form 6A submissions, nor is there any requirement that CBP print out the submitted form from DIS. However, filers are still required to provide a copy of the Form 6A, with sections I and III completed, to ATF within 15 days of the release from CBP custody without CBP signature. Filers should also be mindful that Form 6 and Form 6A should be submitted simultaneously with the entry; otherwise, processing may halt because these documents are required for release.
CBP states that ATF pilot participants may continue to submit the required data via the PGA message set and that this interim policy is merely providing the option for cargo release filers to upload Form 6 and Form 6A in DIS until the data captured in those forms are required to be submitted electronically via the PGA message set.