El Paso Field Office – Operation Hours.

U.S. Customs Border Protection | January 14, 2016

Pope Francis will visit Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. Ciudad Juarez is the third largest city in Mexico and combined with El Paso, Texas, represents the most populous region along the southwest border. Due to the combined populations and the close proximity of the two cities, the corridor Ports of Entry (POE) are among the busiest along the southwest border.

Given this situation, it is the intent of the El Paso Field Office (EPFO) and area ports to be well prepared to process the anticipated volume of traffic and ensure the continued operational tempo for all of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

As part of the on-going planning for the Pope’s visit, the EPFO is providing this bulletin to provide the El Paso, Juarez and New Mexico Stakeholders and Trade Community the schedule for hours of operations at designated locations leading up to and during the Pope’s visit to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The following locations’ normal operating hours have been adjusted:

• Santa Teresa Passenger vehicle hours will open 24 hours a day from February 15-19, 2016.
• Tornillo Passenger vehicle operations will open 24 hours a day from February 17-19, 2016
• Bridge of the Americas Cargo will close at 1400 hours on February 16, 2016 and remain closed through February 18, 20 16 (normal operations resume on February 19, 2016).
• Santa Teresa Cargo will open from 0800 — 2400 hours on February 16-18, 2016.
• Ysleta/Zaragoza Cargo will be open 0600 — 2400, February 16-18, 2016.

The above listed changes will ensure the El Paso Field Office, Ports of Entry respond with the necessary combination of personnel and resources to process the large volumes of travelers and trade, while ensuring the safety and security of the United States and the traveling public.

Included for easy view is an El Paso Field Office, all ports inclusive calendar depicting programmed hours of operation (Cargo and Passenger) for the Ports of El Paso, Tomillo, Santa Teresa, and Columbus for designated days and dates for the week of February 15 – 19, 2016.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please forward them to Jesus Luis Chavez, Chief CBP Officer at Jesus.L.Chavez@cbp.dhs.gov .


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