Foreign Trade Regulations to be Revised to Reflect ITDS
Foreign Trade Regulations to be Revised to Reflect ITDS
Excerpt from: Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg Trade | March 09, 2016
The Census Bureau has issued a proposed rule that would amend the Foreign Trade Regulations to reflect new export reporting requirements related to the implementation of the International Trade Data System. The proposed changes also include the addition of two new data elements in the Automated Export System and amendments to provide clarity on existing reporting requirements. Comments on this proposed rule are due no later than May 9.
Reporting. This rule would require U.S. principal parties in interest or authorized agents in the U.S. to file export information to AES for all shipments where an electronic export information record is required under the FTR.
New Data Elements. The original internal transaction number field and the used electronics indicator would be added in AES.
The original ITN field could be utilized if a previously filed shipment is replaced or divided and for which additional shipment(s) must be filed. Adding this field would assist the export trade community and enforcement agencies in identifying that a filer completed the mandatory filing requirements for the original shipment and any additional shipment(s).
The used electronics indicator field would be used to improve the availability and quality of information on the trade and handling of used electronics to ensure compliance with Executive Order 13693, which aims to employ environmentally sound practices with respect to federal agency disposal of all excess or surplus electronic products to reduce the likelihood of negative impacts to health and the environment in developing countries.
Split Shipments. Census is also proposing to incorporate into the FTR the revised timeframes for split shipments that were addressed in FTR Letter #6, Notice of Regulatory Change for Split Shipments.