City Union Mission is one of the many networks Scarbrough is proud to works with. Visit for more information.
We are an evangelical Christian ministry committed to sharing the gospel and meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of men, women, and children who are poor or homeless. We serve between 370 to 500 people daily providing over 700 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).
City Union Mission’s doors are open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. We provide programs which aid our guests to overcome spiritual, emotional and mental issues, as well as help them obtain employment, housing and education to become independent, productive citizens again. We offer 75% of the emergency shelter beds in downtown Kansas City, with both a men’s shelter and a women/family shelter. We are the largest rescue mission in a six-state area and do not receive government funding. We rely completely on support from individuals, businesses, foundations, organizations and churches.
Your support will help meet the Mission’s daily needs of:
- Canned green beans and corn
- Canned fruit
- Coffee
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Toilet paper
- Twin size fitted sheets
Special needs are:
- Scissor Lift
- Refrigerator truck
We also have seasonal needs, such as school uniforms for 400 children for the fall and items ranging from crock pots to children’s toys for Mission: Christmas. For more information, contact us at the information listed below.
Volunteers are always needed in various capacities, such as:
- Camp CUMCITO (bus monitors, campers, etc.)
- Provide and serve a meal
- Sorters in warehouses and at City Thrifts
- High Impact (tutors, administrative assistants, e.g.)
- Seasonal (Mission: Christmas- shoppers, gift wrappers, etc.)
If you are interested in helping us, please contact Damion Alexander, Corporate Relations Manager at 816.329.1497 or email at