Mexico: Near-Shoring is Right-Shoring
Near-Shoring is Right-Shoring
When it comes to doing business with Mexico or “near-shoring”, Scarbrough is doing the right thing by continuing to inform our customers of the amazing opportunities we have at hand or “near to us.” Jon Isbell, of publication American Shipper states that he prefers to call the concept of “near-shoring” actually “right-sourcing.” He goes on to say, “Right-sourcing brings production to the most appropriate point in the global supply chain to enable products to be shipped to consumers at more competitive landed, duty-paid delivered costs and in less time.”
He goes on to ask the question, “Is Mexico going to be the new China?” The answer for numerous reasons is no. However, because of the free trade agreements in place with Mexico (and other countries), there are tremendous advantageous that U.S. importers should take into consideration, especially with the new sourcing rends in the industry.
Advantages of Mexican suppliers over Asian suppliers:
- Ease and Flexibility of setting up a business
- Educated and motivated work force
- Low labor costs
- Good transportation infrastructure
- Strong economic outlook
Scarbrough, located on both sides of the U.S. – Mexico border with a bilingual team, is a complete international and domestic supply chain service provider, offering U.S., Mexico, and Canada Customs Brokerage, Import & Export Operations, Ground, Ocean and Air Transportation Solutions, Warehouse and Distribution fulfillment services, Trade Compliance Consulting, Large Equipment and Project Cargo moves, as well as Parcel Audit Savings. Scarbrough is widely known for its trade experts, free training, personalized customer service, technological and process customized solutions, and data analytics tools. Since 1984, Scarbrough has continued to satisfy its clients by following its motto: It is our job to make your job easier. Shipping to and from Mexico comes with challenges. Scarbrough takes those challenges and tackles them with ease.
Scarbrough has several resources to inform our customers and members of the community about doing business – both importing and exporting with Mexico. Some things you will learn include: Northbound Shipping Process, Southbound Shipping Process, Mexico Customs & Regulations, Best Practices, Incoterms, culture, industry sectors, IMMEX compliance and more! View the links below to find recordings, printable handouts and contact information to help guide you through shipping or sourcing with Mexico.