Newly Imposed Regulation in Brazil Wooden Package Material
Newly Imposed Regulation in Brazil Wooden Package Material
Dear Customer,
We would like to inform that the Brazil Ministry of Agriculture has imposed a regulation (through Normative Instruction Nº. 32 of 09/23/2015) effective February 1st 2016 (Bill Of Lading issue date).
The new regulation requires cargo to/from Brazil, including freight remaining on board (frob) and transshipment cargo, to include information about wooden packaging material.
Should the container include wood packaging, Shippers will be responsible to provide wood packaging information at the time of Shipping Instruction submission.
1) What type of wooden package material was included?
a. Treated and Certified; (Treated material and/or fumigated with certification);
b. Processed; (Processed material);
c. Not Treated and Not Certified (Non treated material and/or fumigated with certification).
2) For Shipping Instructions (SI) received without wood packing material information, we will consider that new regulation is “not applicable” to your shipment.
Additional information can be found under Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil- link:
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact your local Hamburg Süd representative
We thank you in advance for your assistance and support.