Oakland port terminals plan PierPass-style program
Oakland port terminals plan PierPass-style program
Oakland Port terminals have decided to impose a gate fee much like that of LA/Long Beach Port’s PierPass. They will call it OakPass. Terminal operators have asked the Federal Maritime Commission to approve their planned OakPass Program, which is under a 45 day review.
What will the OakPass Program do?
The plan is to reduce truck delays by adding gate hours on Saturdays in order to help receive congestion. The fee would apply to trucks using terminal gates during peak hours between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm Monday through Friday to help support the extended Saturday hours. Trucks hauling empty containers, bare chassis, and transshipment cargo would be exempt. More information, Click here.
How much will the OakPass fee be?
It is not set in stone, but the proposed fees are $17 per TEU and $34 per other sized containers.