- International Shipping Training
- ATA Carnets 101
- Cargo Insurance, Risk and Liability
- Domestic Transportation 101
- Domestic Trucking Tips & Tricks
- Duty Savings Opportunities
- Foreign Trade Zones
- Free Trade Agreements
- Incoterms® 2010 Training
- Incoterms® 2020 Training
- International Trade Finance
- Letters of Credit
- Parcel Audit Savings
- SCAR U: Duty Drawback
Scarbrough is known for its free training and available resources. We record each training to offer an On-Demand Training series for your convenience. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to be notified when there is a new training added. We upload the full version of each training and small snippets so you don’t have to watch an entire hour’s worth when you are hunting for a specific question. Feel free to email if you have any ideas or need some help!