Three Things










 1.  Which of these markets below need your goods and services?


2.  Does your business plan and strategy require that you continuously look for new export markets? Shouldn’t it?


3. Would you engage your freight forwarder and Customs Broker (who likely has a partner in these countries) to learn a little more about countries you are looking to expand into?


World’s Top Exports Website
found 15 countries that boosted their imports by over 65% since 2009.

Check it out.  Perhaps this may be a market you wish to pursue ??

World’s Fastest-Growing Import Partners

The fastest-growing import partners are listed in descending order below.

top exports



Take 3 minutes.  Ponder this.  Let me know what you think! 

Please email me directly or leave comments. I enjoy a nice dialogue in regards to improving efficiency and business growth.

Yours Truly,

Kevin Ekstrand  |  Vice President of Sales and Marketing