Trade Industry wants answers on SOLAS VGM
Trade Industry wants answers on SOLAS VGM
With the SOLAS weight verification mandate around the corner and a lot of unanswered processes, industry trade groups around the world want answers! Dustin Braden of Journal of Commerce states,
“The GCG [Global Consolidators Group] is asking the IMO to have member states submit the following information:
- The authority responsible for implementing and enforcing the VGM.
- The status of rules/regulations/guidance issued by member states to implement the new SOLAS rule.
- Whether a member state will accept variation from the stated VGM, and the degree of that variation.
- If member states will issue specific guidelines and requirements for the timing and means of submission for the VGM.
- If member states will provide a list of certified third-party vendors and locations where shippers can acquire a VGM.
- Who will be responsible if VGM violations are found, and what will be the penalties for such violations.
- If a member state plans to delay or phase-in implementation and enforcement.”
Forwarders and other members of the trade industry continue to ask for more clarity. Scarbrough continues to monition the situation and report.
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