Trump Addresses USA Infrastructure
USA Infrastructure Needs Some Attention
President Trump addressed our nation’s infrastructure in his State of the Union speech… something that affects our industry every day. The nation’s infrastructure is what keeps our freight moving. CAGTC mentions that “the country’s freight system moves 55 million tons of goods a day, valued at more than $49 billion. Freight movement across all modes is expected to increase 42 percent by 2040. If we don’t want congestion to worsen, this is an issue that must be addressed.”
According to an article by American Shipper, “Trump added, ‘This is not an option. This is a necessity.'”
The article goes on to state, “He offered no further details about the projected budget and scope that his administration would propose for rebuilding the nation’s aged transportation infrastructure….Arguments in Congress continue as to how to properly disperse billions of dollars collected for the Highway Trust Fund or raise the gasoline tax to pay for infrastructure….Trade associations, nonetheless, praised Trump for highlighting the need for modern transportation infrastructure in his speech.”
“President Trump understands that one of the most effective ways to ensure continued economic growth is through making needed investments in our roads, bridges, water systems and other public infrastructure,” said Stephen E. Sandherr, CEO of the Associated General Contractors of America, in a statement.
To read more, visit American Shipper or CNN.